Synchronization in industrial parks through physical internet
发布于:2016-10-11 11:52:10   |   作者:[学院] 机电学院   |   浏览次数:2804

报告题目:Synchronization in industrial parks through physical internet

报告人:George Q. Huang,Professor, Department of Industrial and Manufacturing Systems Engineering,The University Of Hong Kong



报告摘要:Industrial parks have played key roles in manufacturing industries in China in the past 30 years.Enterprises with the same industrial park share common resources such as warehousing spaces and transportation times for better resource utilization and cost savings. Traditionally, manufacturing and logistics planning and scheduling are optimized using objective functions based on punctuality and efficiency criteria such as earliness and tardiness. They create real-life challenges for different parties in the industrial park against resource sharing. This talk proposes an alternating objectives of achieving simultaneity while achieving punctuality. We shall first propose a framework with three dimensions for classifying synchronization. We then talk about various scenarios for synchronization in a typical industrial park and their associated challenges. Thirdly, we discuss various synchronization mechanisms with measures for simultaneity and punctuality as well as their tradeoffs. Finally, we will present a smart environment based on RFID-enabled Visibility and Traceability to enable synchronization in industrial parks.


黄国全(George Q. Huang),香港大学终身教授,香港大学工业与制造系统工程系系主任,博士生导师,国家专家,国家自然科学基金委海外杰出青年学者。黄国全教授是英国皇家特许工程师(CEng),美国机械工程师学会会士(ASME Fellow);英国电气工程师学会会士(IET Fellow);国际物流与交通学会会士(CILT Fellow);香港工程师学会会士(HKIE Fellow);美国工业工程师学会会员(IIE Member)。黄国全教授在近三十年来一直从事基于互联网的创新工业服务理论及智慧系统平台的研发工作,攻克了工业物联网的核心技术,创新搭建了工业物联网的云服务平台,并在协同产品设计与制造和物流供应链管理等领域进行了深入的探讨和推广了典型应用。这些研究得到了国内外和香港政府和企业的大力资助,其中包括香港研究资助委员会(RGC)、香港创新科技基金(ITF)、中国自然科学基金杰出青年基金、香港大学以及国内外合作企业。黄国全教授的研究取得了一系列原创性的研究成果。发表论文近400篇,其中包括 200多篇SCI杂志论文,编著和专著4本。论文被同行广泛引用,包括多篇曾为相关领域全球“Top 1%”最广泛引用的文章,个人也成为相关领域全球“Top 1%”最广泛引用的学者。于2001年获香港大学“杰出青年研究奖”,2007年获中国自然基金会海外杰出青年研究项目,2007年参与的项目“服务驱动的跨企业数字化制造执行理论与方法”获“教育部自然科学一等奖”,2013年参与的项目“面向定制生产的协同设计与制造关键技术”获“广东省科技进步一等奖”,“智能制造物联网平台”获2015年度香港大学工程 “知识与技术转让奖”。