发布于:2017-07-04 10:00:48   |   作者:[学院] 物电学院   |   浏览次数:2996

Investigation of Dusty Plasma in Earth’s Polar Mesosphere

Abdur Rauf (PhD candidate)

内容简介:Over several decades polar mesosphere summer echoes (PMSE) have been studied extensively due to their important role in monitoring, the thermal and dynamical structure of the mesopause region allowing insights into important atmospheric key parameters like neutral temperatures, winds, gravity wave parameters, turbulence, solar cycle effects, and long term changes, it is still required to understand the physics of PMSE phenomenon. There are many aspects which are still needed for investigating the mechanism responsible for PMSE creation. Here by employing the Pearson linear and Spearman rank correlation coefficient method, the apparent electron density at two different precipitation altitude of about 90 and 100 km, and PMSE altitude between about 80 and 90 km were compared to investigate the effect of particle precipitation on PMSE intensity. The precipitating particle fluxes reaching to D-region, lost part of their energy in ionizing atoms and provides free electrons necessary for PMSE, so our study could be helpful in understanding the physics of PMSE. 

Presenter: Abdur Rauf, PhD candidate of the School of Physical ElectronicsDiscipline: Physics

Supervisor: Prof. Lin Meng



The effect of artificial electron heating on polar mesosphere echoes

Safi UllahPhD candidate      

内容简介:A number of theoretical and experimental work has been conducted in past considering the turn-off period, the objective here is to consider further possibilities for diagnostic information available as well as the underlying physical processes of Polar mesosphere summer echoes. During the turn-off of the radio wave heating, then from the temporal behavior of the electron irregularities, to obtain possible diagnostic information for various charged dust and background plasma quantities the analytical models are used. New 2D PME heating model will be built based on the equilibrium and non-equilibrium space conditions. After that comparing the new 2D results with that of PME heating experiment, improve and perfect 2D model, at the same time I will try to establish a three-dimensional model.

PresenterSafi Ullah PhD candidate of the School of Physical ElectronicsDiscipline: Physics

Supervisor: Prof. Lin Meng


告时 间: 20170710 15:00

告地 点: 逸夫楼415

   人: 蒙林 教授