发布于:2019-06-11 15:24:49   |   作者:[学院] 通信抗干扰   |   浏览次数:8350
讲座主题:Training Sequences in Spectrally Compact OFDM
特邀专家Dr.Char-Dir Chung 
讲座时间:2019年6月14日 下午14:50
    Char-Dir Chung received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from the University of Southern California, Los Angeles, in 1989. From 1989 to 1992, Dr. Chung was with the LinCom Corporation, Los Angeles. He joined the faculty of the National Central University(NCU) in Taiwan during 1992-2005. At NCU, he founded the Advanced Communication Laboratory in 1998, the Graduate Institute of Communication Engineering in 2000 and the Communication Engineering Department in 2003, and was the founding heads of these organizations. He has been on the faculty of the National Taiwan University since 2005,where he was endowed with the SiS Technology Chair in 2009 and Distinguished Professor since 2011. His current research interest is in digital modulation theory with particular emphasis in wireless communications. Dr.Chung is a Fellow of the IEEE.
