发布于:2019-06-12 10:52:58   |   作者:[学院] 数学学院   |   浏览次数:8564

报告题目:Optimal investment, heterogeneous consumption and the best time for retirement







This talk will introduce an optimal investment and consumption problem with heterogeneous consumption of basic and luxury goods, together with the choice of time for retirement. We show that one should consume only basic goods when the wealth is small, and consume basic goods and make savings when the wealth is intermediate, and to consume small portion in basic goods and large portion in luxury goods when the wealth is large. We also show that all individuals should retire at the same level of marginal utility. This talk is based on joint work with Prof. Harry Zheng from the Imperial College London.


许左权,香港理工大学副教授,香港中文大学博士。长期从事金融数学研究,主要工作发表在《Mathematical Finance》,《Annals of Applied Probability》,《Mathematics of Operations Research》等国际顶级学术期刊上。多次受邀于牛津大学、普林斯顿大学、Bachelier金融协会全球大会等做学术报告。