实习生职位需求(Internship Position Request):
01.磁共振临床应用研发方向 (MRI Application R&D ):
1.MRI applicatio development,sequence and reconstruction;
1.Technologies sophisticated mathematics;
2.Technologies sophisticated physics;
3.Technolgies skillful computer knowledge.
Position Request:
Master’s degree in Electronics or Physics. Cooperate with English speaking colleagues in an international team.
02.电磁场分析方向(Electromagnetic Analysis ):
1. Electromagnetic design and analysis
2. Numerical analysis and programming
1. Technologies Electromagnetic
2. Technologies mathematics and physics
3. Methods programming (C++)
Position Request:
Master degree in Electromagnetic or Physics. Large scale electrical motor, electrical device, magnet, superconductive equipment is priority.
03.射频部件设计方向 (RF Component design):
1. RF component design (power amplifier, low noise amplifier, Hybrid etc.)
2. TX body coil and receive array coil design.
1. Electrical Circuit Theory
2. RF circuit and components
3. Antenna Theory
4. Software design (Matlab, VC++)
5. Project organization skill
6. Basic MRI background
Position Request:
Master degree or above, major in Electrical Engineering, Good English skills in
04.软件开发方向SW-Developer (UI-Development):
1, Develop SW concepts concerning User interface within a team.
2, Specifying and designing SW-components within the User interface of the MR-software.
3, Developing object oriented in C++ based on Windows XP.
4, Analyze the requirement and write functional and design specifications.
1, SW-development with windows XP
2, Experience with UML, Design Pattern, OOA/OOD, SW-Frameworks
3, Profound Knowledge in C/C++
4, Job specific knowledge be good at English
5, Job specific knowledge know the MFC, OLE, DCOM/COM
Position Request:
Education: Master degree on Computer scientist, physicists with profound informatics. Cooperate with English speaking colleagues in an international team.
Desirable: experience working in SW-project. knowledge about Clinical Workflow.
05.软件开发方向 (SW developer)
1. Design of software for peripheral components inside a MR system.
2. Software design concerning control, supervision and configuration aspects inside the MR system.
3. Integrate and validate the software and hardware components.
4, Specify and design SW-components related to physics to assure the correct function of the system.
5, Developing object oriented in C++ based on 32 bit Windows XP and Linux 64 bit.
6, Describe configuration and service related software workflow in XML.
1, SW-development with windows XP
2, Experience with UML, Design Pattern, OOA/OOD,SW-Frameworks
3, Profound Knowledge in C/C++
4, Knowledge about Java
5, Knowledge about XML
6, Knowledge experience with Linux
7, Knowledge physical background
8. Good English speaking and writing
Position Request:
Education: Master degree on computer scientist with profound physicists. Collaboration with English speaking colleagues inside an international team.
Desirable: experience working in SW-project.
06.硬件设计方向 (Hardware Design ):
1. Hardware circuit (digital / analog) design for system components of MR system.
2. Debugging and testing of hardware component.
1, Experience of digital / analog circuit design at least two years.
2, Familiar with logical design using hardware description language and related design tools, such as modelsim, Synplify, Quartus II.
3, Familiar with C/C++ language.
4. Knowledge experience of developing and debugging of embedded microcontroller
5. Good English speaking and writing
Position Request:
Education: Master degree on communication, electrical technology, automation. Collaboration with English speaking colleagues inside an international team.
Desirable: experience working in CANOpen protocol application.
E-mail: recruit.smmr@siemens.com
西门子磁共振园面向中国和国际市场提供拥有西门子整机技术的1.5T超导磁共振成像系统和0.35T C型开放式永磁磁共振成像系统。西门子磁共振园为全球用户提供一流的技术和服务。
公司地址: 深圳南山科技园中区高新中二道32号西门子磁共振园
邮 编:518057
E-mail: recruit.smmr@siemens.com