发布于:2016-05-15 22:35:47   |   来源:思想教育科   |   作者:admin   |   浏览次数:17444


申请人须为下列十六所高校(按英文名称排序)的在校硕士或博士研究生: 复旦大学、华中科技大学、吉林大学、南京大学、南开大学、北京大学、山东大学、上海交通大学、四川大学、中山大学、天津大学、清华大学、电子科技大学、中国科技大学、武汉大学、浙江大学。



1、个人简历:不超过 A4 纸两页;
2、个人自述视频短片:时长不短于 60 秒, 不长于120 秒,大小不超过 50M。申请人应在短片中出镜, 作不短于 30 秒的口头陈述;
3、推荐信:应由对被推荐人有较深度了解的人员出具, 不得为其亲属,并签名或加盖公章;
(扫描后存为 PDF 文档提交,文件名格式为“电子科技大学_张三_推荐信”)
(学院打印盖章,扫描后存为 PDF 文档提交,文件名格式为“电子科技大学_张三_成绩单”)








一、个人简历 Resume
百人会英才奖评选委员会希望了解申请人包括学业、职业、以及个性等在内的各方面情况。请提供你的个人简历,简历中应包括以下信息:(1)学业情况:包括就读或曾就读院校、专业、学位,在校表现与成就, 所获奖励荣誉等;(2)就业情况:包括就职机构、职务、起止时间、职责、 成就等;(3)志愿者或社区服务经历;(4)近年的领导者经历及相关奖项;(5)课外活动及个人兴趣等。不超过A4 纸两页。
The Committee of 100’s Leadership Scholarship Program (LSP) Selection Committee is interested in your academic, professional, and personal development. Please provide a copy of your resume or CV; be sure to include the following information: academic degrees, achievements, and honors; employment held, including job titles, start and end dates, responsibilities, and salaries; volunteer or public service; recent leadership experiences and awards; and extracurricular activities and interests. With the limit of two pages.

二、个人自述视频短片 Personal Video Statement
请提交一段自制视频短片,简要介绍个人情况, 并说明你为何申请英才奖、为何认为自己是合格的人选、以及你认为这一奖项对申请人未来的领导力和职业发展有何帮助。 对短视频片的格式没有特定要求,但申请人应在短片中解答上述问题,并作时长不短于30秒的正式演讲。 该视频短片是增进评委对申请人了解的重要资料。 总时长应不短于60秒,不长于120秒,大小不超过 50M。
Please submit a self-made video to introduce yourself and describe why you are interested in the LSP scholarship, why you think you are qualified, and how you think it will contribute to your leadership and career development. There is no required format for the video, but applicants should present personally by themselves and make a formal speech no shorter than 30 seconds in the video. The video should be 60-120 seconds with size limit to 50M.

三、推荐信 Recommendation
请推荐人说明推荐理由。推荐人应说明与申请人为何种关系、结识时间和原因;举例说明该申请人在创新创业、社会公益或中美交流领域展现出来的领导才能;并与相同领域中其他同类人员相比较,说明该申请人如何可以脱颖而出。 推荐人需签名或加盖公章,并提供其职务、电子邮件和手机信息。不超过 800 字。
Please describe why you are recommending this student for this award. The recommender should explain the relationship with this student and when and how you knew this student. Please give examples to explain the applicant’s leadership and performance in the fields of Innovation & Entrepreneurship, Volunteer & Community Service, or/and U-China exchange. How does the applicant stand out from others in a similar capacity? The officer should sign and provide contact information.500 word limit in English.

四、成绩单 Transcript
Please provide official transcript for current academic program with ranking in the Class.

五、奖项和经历 Award and Experience
1、列出申请人所获的最引以为豪的三个奖项。请简要说明每个奖项的评选方式和引以为豪的原因。每项奖项的陈述不宜超过 100 字。
Please list three honors and awards you are proud of. Describe how you were selected and why you are proud of them. Word limit 100 words in Chinese; 75 word limit in English.
2、列出申请人曾担任的最引以为豪的三个职务或头衔。 请简要说明申请人因何获得这些职务或头衔以及引以为豪的原因。每个职务或头衔的陈述不宜超过 100 字。
Please list three positions or titles you are proud of. Describe how you were offered the positions and why you are proud of them. Word limit 100 words in Chinese; 75 word limit in English.
3、列出申请人在社会公益、创新创业或中美交流三个领域中最引以为豪的三段经历。可选择其中一个或多个领域。 简要说明每段经历以及申请人引以为豪的原因。每段经历的陈述不宜超过 100 字。
Please list three activities you are most proud of in the fields of Social Service, Innovation & Entrepreneurship, or/and US-China exchange. Describe how these activities made the social impact and why you are proud of them. Word limit 100 words in Chinese; 75 word limit in English.

六、专题论述 Essay
1、中美关系 Essay on U.S.-China Relations
构建更具建设性的中美关系,有赖于中美两国年轻一代的领袖们致力于推动和加强双方的相互理解和信任,这一点至关重要。请设计一个有助于促成上述目标的社会公益项目,并说明提出该项目的原因、可行性、预期的社会影响、 预算以及操作方案。请尽可能具体地说明操作方案。 (如中文作答,不宜超过 1000 字。如英文作答,不宜超过 750 个单词)。
It is essential that next-generation leaders promote and enhance mutual understanding and trust to build a more constructive relationship between China and the U.S. Please design a philanthropy project which contributes to this goal and explain its rationale, feasibility, expected impact, proposed budget, and execution plan. Be as specific as possible in describing the execution plan. (750 word limit in English. 1000 character limit in Chinese)
2、领导者经历 Essay on Leadership Experience
描述一场活动或一段经历, 你在其中担任重要的决策、管理或领导角色。这一活动或经历不一定是盛大或激烈的,甚至也可能是失败的,但是申请人应着重描述一个具体的案例,而不仅仅是对此前经历笼统的汇总。(如中文作答,不宜超过 1000 字。如英文作答,不宜超过 750 个单词)
Describe an event or experience in which you held a significant decision-making, management, or leadership role. This does not need to be a dramatic or even successful experience, but the essay should focus on one specific example, rather than include a summary of several experiences. (750 word limit in English. 1000 character limit in Chinese)
3、职业发展(选答) Essay on Career Development (optional)
请描述你为何选择目前的专业,以及你计划如何运用你所受的教育在未来让世界因你而有所不同。如果你计划在毕业之后选择与目前不同的专业和行业,你为什么这样做?你将如何达成你的职业发展目标?你希望从百人会或百人会的哪些会员得到什么样的帮助?本专题由申请人自行决定是否回答。(如中文作答,不宜超过 1000 字。如英文作答,不宜超过 750 个单词)
Please describe why you have chosen your current major and how you plan to use your education to make a difference in the world. Or if you plan to choose a different profession from the one your major might lead to after graduation, why you would do so and how you will achieve your goal? What help you might wish to have from Committee of 100 and its members? (750 word limit in English. 1000 character limit in Chinese)

七、自选补充材料 Optional Supplementary Materials
可包括申请人认为有必要提供的其他信息,如科研成果、出版物、特殊经历、才艺等。补充材料应用于展示申请人的特殊才能或成就,可自行决定是否提交。文字材料应不超过 5 页单面 A4 纸,音像材料不超过 50M。超过部分不视为有效申请材料。
Any supplementary materials, including scholarly articles, research, unique experience or artwork. These materials are entirely optional. Please only submit if you have unusual talents or achievements. 5 pages limit for written document and50M limit for video.