发布于:2022-06-08 17:31:56   |   作者:[学院] 基础研究院   |   浏览次数:3290

报告题目:高压调控杂化钙钛矿的电子和光学特性研究Engineering Electro and Optical Properties of hybrid Perovskites with High Pressure

 报告人:申泽骧 南洋理工大学




 Hybrid perovskites are a new class of functional materials with potential applications in various technologically important areas, such as solar cells, LED and lasing. Compared with their 3D counterparts, 2D perovskites exhibit special properties, e.g. their natural quantum-well structure yields stable excitons, able to interact more strongly with phonons, spins and defects. Layered perovskites are also more structurally stable. High pressure induces a rich variety of phenomena in the electronic and optical properties in the hybrid Perovskite materials, including enhancement of photoluminescence (PL) by at least two orders of magnitude, narrow to white light emission, rich PL energy and lifetime changes. The optical properties of 2D perovskites are mainly governed by excitons, and the investigation of intrinsic and extrinsic, radiative and nonradiative exciton recombination pathways is essential. The intrinsic pathways are related to exciton-phonon interactions. Lattice vibrations create spatial and temporal potential fluctuations, where the first one causes scattering of excitons and broadening of excitonic peaks in optical spectroscopy, while the second leads to the fine structure of the spectra, known as Frank-Condon shape. Besides, a moving exciton is able to create vibrations around it, inducing lattice distortions.

