EE论坛:Cross Roads between Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning – Towards AI^2
发布于:2017-06-12 14:09:21   |   作者:[学院] 电工学院   |   浏览次数:2580



讲座题目:Cross Roads between Signal Processing, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning Towards AI2

主讲人: Prof. Moncef Gabbouj, Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, Finland,IEEE Fellow, Member of the Academia Europaea


报告简介:In this talk, I shall briefly introduce the Multimedia Research Group at the Department of Signal Processing, Tampere University of Technology and highlight the main research areas in which we are currently active. These include machine learning and particularly deep learning, pattern recognition, computer vision and biomedical and other industrial applications with some hints towards big data analytics.

主讲人简介:MONCEF GABBOUJ received his BS degree in electrical engineering in 1985 from Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, and his MS and PhD degrees in electrical engineering from Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, in 1986 and 1989, respectively.  


Dr. Gabbouj is a Professor of Signal Processing at the Department of Signal Processing, Tampere University of Technology, Tampere, Finland. He was Academy of Finland Professor during 2011-2015. He held several visiting professorships at different universities. Dr. Gabbouj is currently the TUT-Site Director of the NSF I/UCRC funded Center for Visual and Decision Informatics. His research interests include multimedia content-based analysis, indexing and retrieval, machine learning, nonlinear signal and image processing and analysis, voice conversion, and video processing and coding.  


Dr. Gabbouj is a Fellow of the IEEE and member of the Academia Europaea and the Finnish Academy of Science and Letters. He is the past Chairman of the IEEE CAS TC on DSP and committee member of the IEEE Fourier Award for Signal Processing. He served as Distinguished Lecturer for the IEEE CASS. He served as associate editor and guest editor of many IEEE, and international journals.


Dr. Gabbouj was the recipient of the 2017 Finnish Cultural Foundation for Art and Science Award, the recipient of the 2015 TUT Foundation Grand Award, the 2012 Nokia Foundation Visiting Professor Award, the 2005 Nokia Foundation Recognition Award, and several Best Paper Awards. He published over 700 publications and supervised 45 doctoral and 58 Master theses.