发布于:2016-12-03 13:55:17   |   作者:[学院] 微固学院   |   浏览次数:2540

  : 基于植物多酚的先进功能材料构建

主讲人: 郭俊凌(研究学者)

主持人: 刘孝波(教授


郭俊凌博士发表高水平SCI论文35篇,累计影响因子约300;博士及博士后研究期间师从墨尔本大学澳大利亚科学院与工程院双院院士Frank Caruso教授。主要承担基于植物多酚的新型多功能纳米材料及生物仿生超结构自主装的研究;该工作代表了植物多酚界面自组装化学与功能型纳米材料的全新领域 — “MPNs”。 2013年该工作在化学顶级期刊Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.以正封面形式发表后,受到学术界广泛关注,近两年引用次数达到90次。此外以郭俊凌博士为第一作者开展了植物多酚化学进行胶体界面自组装的工作,结合分子动力学计算机模拟(MD)和胶体原子力技术解析了多酚界面的分子作用力和胶体组装能力,该工作发表于Nature Nanotech.,并受到学术界广泛关注;胶体物理化学顶尖学者Kotov院士受邀于Nature Nanotech.发表专属论文对该研究进行高度评价,同时该研究也被Nature Biotech.作为亮点论文报道,此外超过20家国际著名科学媒体报道,其中包括美国科学促进会AAAS,Phys.Org,以及IChemE。郭俊凌博士曾师从四川大学石碧院士及廖学品教授,主要开展胶原纤维纳米结构,植物多酚化学,以及制革废弃物转化微波吸收材料的研究,相关研究结果在多个学科重要期刊发表,其中包括 Adv. Mater., J. Mater. Chem., J. Phys. Chem.等。

Polyphenols, these plant-derived natural products, were traditionally referred to as vegetable tannins, due to their original use in the industrial process of tanning to convert animal hide into leather. This speaker will discuss the possibility to exploring the unique physicochemical and biological properties of polyphenols to serve as an important source of inspiration in the search for new and improved materials. A library of functional metal-phenolic network (MPN) nanostructured films and capsules was prepared from the coordination between a phenolic ligand and a range of metal ions. Furthermore, the polyphenol-based particle functionalization was discovered to facilitate an interfacial molecular interaction-induced self-assembly process. This allowed for the generation of a highly versatile and effective methodology to prepare a large variety of superstructures assembled from a wide range of building blocks. This method displayed significant versatilities of sizes, shapes, microstructures, and compositions as building blocks. The generic nature of this method led to a large family of modularly assembled superstructures including core-satellite, hollow, and hierarchically organized supraparticles. Colloidal-probe atomic force microscopy and molecular dynamics simulations provided detailed insight into the role of this polyphenol-based particle functionalization and how this functionalization facilitated superstructure construction. In functional aspects, the polyphenol-based materials were tailored for advanced drug delivery, positron emission tomography (PET), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), catalysis, and electromagnetic (EM) applications.


时间: 2016125日(周一)下午14:30

地点: 沙河校区微固楼420会议室